PAS 2030 Quality Management System

PAS 2030 Quality Management System

What is a PAS 2030 Quality Management System?

In essence a QMS (Quality Management System) is a set of documents, procedures and policies in a structured and version controlled format.

In order to gain PAS 2030:2019, a requirement is to have in place a QMS that meets the standard. The QMS should be structured so that an auditor can access it to review your processes to understand if

a) you have the correct procedures/policies in place and

b) you can evidence that you are operating to the standard.

How do I implement a PAS 2030 Quality Management System?

There are a number of ways to go about this:

  • You can purchase and download the standard from BSI. Working through it you can set up a structured format of folders, following the requirements of standard.
  • Alternatively you can engage with an expert who will help implement the QMS for your business, which is a preferred method of most installers as they find this the easiest and most efficient way.

What would a PAS 2030:2019 QMS contain?

Your QMS should ideally be the core of the administration of your business. Although it should meet the standard it should also be set up to support your business, so that it is not seen as an add on, but a system that runs throughout your daily operations, providing value and making day to day life easier.

A typical PAS 2030:2019 QMS system would contain:

  • Forms
    • Feedback forms
    • Installation checklists
    • and more
  • Policies
    • Health and safety policies
    • Environmental policies
    • Customer policies
    • and more
  • Procedures
    • Compliance
    • Complaints
    • Internal audits
    • Risk assessments
    • Installation process
    • and more
  • Data
    • Complaint tracker
    • Inspection and Audit records
    • Installer competency records
    • Client interaction
    • and more
  • Method statements
  • Legal and Insurance records

This list is not exhaustive, but provides an idea of how a structure of a QMS management system may look.

Need help to implement your PAS 2030 Quality Management System?

It may seem complicated initially, however with the help of a consultant, this will save you time.

As we are a certification body and have to remain impartial, we do not offer this service.

However, contact us today and we can put you in touch with a consultant that can help you.