How to gain PAS 2030

The installation of energy efficient measures is a market that is growing fast. Gaining PAS 2030 enables you to tap into the vast opportunities that are existing now and the future.

Here are a whole host of resources to help you on you way to certification.

PLUS a FREE PAS 2030 Checklist for you to download and use.

Gaining PAS 2030 is a straight forward process, you just need the right elements in place

Gaining certification for the standard will open up many doors for your business. There is a huge drive to get existing homes more energy efficient to meet the targets of the UK being carbon neutral. To get these homes up to standard, millions of pounds of funding is around in the form of public and private sector contracts and through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO). However to benefit from these opportunities you need to be PAS 2030 certified.

PAS 2030 Certification

PAS 2030 isn’t as complex as you may think and you probably just need a little more clarity around what it entails:

The first step is to make sure you have a Quality Management System (QMS) in place that meets the standard. If you do not have one, don’t worry! In the first instance you can download this PAS 2030 Checklist to find out if you need to purchase a QMS or if you already of the right documents in place.

A Quality Management System (QMS) in simple terms is ‘paperwork’. This paperwork is in the form of company policies, working procedures and forms. You need to complete this paperwork to demonstrate that you are meeting the standard of PAS 2030.

The next step is to ensure that you have a qualified Retrofit Co-ordinator to oversee the assessment and design aspect before any work under PAS 2030 commences. They need to follow the PAS 2035 standard which is all about the assessment and design of the installation. If you don’t have a Retrofit Coordinator, there are a number of organisations/freelancers that provide this service that you can subcontract to.

Next you need to ensure competence of all of your installers and operatives. This means they need to have the relative qualifications and certifications to carry out the measures which you are installing.

To make sure you are compliant you will need the relevant documentation to prove that you are insured correctly.

Once you have all of your paperwork in place, then you are ready for your first stage of assessment! To progress with this, you just need to complete our online application. Once our PAS team receive this, they will be in touch to provide a price and a quotation for the assessment process.

Once you gain certification, there are so many benefits!

There is a little leg work required to make sure you have all the right foundations in place, however most of the elements required, you probably already have! It’s just a case of formalising this all to get your business to a place where it is fully compliant. Gaining PAS 2030 provides you with so many more benefits, opportunities and will help your business enter and become successful in a growing market.

PAS 2030 will help demonstrate high quality service to all your potential customers

It will ensure that you qualify to install under various schemes such as ECO as well as pre-qualifying for tenders

Additional visibility due to being included on the TrustMark website so new customers can find you

Having a robust management system in place will benefit your business in terms of improvement, effectiveness and efficiencies

Gaining a competitive edge within your industry, opening up new opportunities

Reducing risk to our business due to higher degrees of competency

Free PAS 2030 checklist

How ready are you for PAS 2030?

Sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start – so we have formulated an easy to use Checklist to help you understand what you need to do to progress to assessment:

PAS 2030 Checklist PDF

PAS 2030 Free Checklist

Need further help to put in place a QMS?

As a certification body we can’t provide consultancy support to guide you through gaining PAS 2030.

But we can point you in the direction of consultants that are experts within the industry and PAS 2030.

All you need to do is complete our application form, and state that you need a quality management system.

What qualifications do my installers and team need for PAS 2030?

Competency is the main point of difference from previous versions of PAS 2030. The reason being, is that it is vital that consumers are protected and the installations deliver what they should – to make the property energy efficient.

The list below outlines the qualifications needed for each of the roles and energy efficiency measures.

  • Retrofit Coordinator

    Level 5 Diploma in Retrofit Coordination

  • Retrofit Installer - Insulation Measures

    Level 2 NVQ in Insulation and Building Treatments (with the relevant pathway for each measure)

  • Retrofit Installer - Gas measures

    Registered on the Gas Safe Register and have completed the relevant qualifications, e.g CENWAT

  • Retrofit Installer - Electrical Measures

    18th Edition

  • Retrofit Installer - Glazing measures

    A member of FENSA

  • All installers and labourers

    Manual Handling, Working at Heights (if relevant to measure), Gas Safety, Confined Spaces (if relevant to measure) and Asbestos Awareness

Gain PAS 2030

The certification process to gain PAS 2030


The beginning bit

  • Put in place your management system for PAS 2030:2019. As a certification body, we can’t provide ‘consultancy’, but if you need help to do this, get in touch as we have a number of organisations that we know who can help you.

  • Complete our online application form which gathers customer information and data around the energy efficiency measures that you offer your customers.

  • We will provide a quotation once we receive your application form which is based on the information that you have provided.

  • If you are happy with our quote, simply sign and return the form.

  • An invoice will be issued and once your payment is made we move onto the next part.


The middle bit

  • You will be allocated one of our excellent PAS 2030 assessors who will get in touch to discuss what exactly you need to do and answer any questions.

  • Provide the documents and information that your assessor requires and they will carry out your audit as discussed.

  • You are half way there to gaining PAS 2030 certification. The next step is to have one of your installations assesessd by one of our technical inspectors.


The ongoing bit

  • We will arrange to attend a live install to ensure you are installing to the PAS 2030 standards.

  • Once the live site inspection is complete and there are no major issues, a 12 month certification will be released.

  • We will arrange to carry out inspections on 1-10% of your installations so that your certification remains valid.

  • An annual review will be carried out to ensure that the correct number of inspections are being carried out to match the number of installs and surveillance visits will continue for as long as there certification is valid.

Why choose Simply Certification for your PAS 2030 Certification?

  • We are UKAS accredited, a TrustMark scheme provider and a Green Deal Orb scheme provider.

  • Our customers love working with us, as we ensure a personal touch and work with you, not against you.

  • We are the UK leading experts on PAS 2030:2019.

  • We are extremely agile and responsive, aiming to help you gain your certification in under 4 weeks of application.

  • Other certification bodies tie clients into contracts; we don’t, our customers choose to stay because they want to.

  • We have a fair, straight forward and transparent pricing policy and we are the most competitive in the market.

  • We’re great people to work with, our team are known throughout the industry to support, help and work with customers – not against them!

Complete our online application to start your journey

Simply complete our PAS 2030/TrustMark application to start your journey:

Offering a range of certification services

Not only do we offer PAS 2030, we also provide a range of other services. To find out more complete the form below:


Simply Certification Limited
Quay Corner Training Centre
Church Bank
Jarrow, NE32 3HH


0191 323 3960