Delivering ISO certification for the construction industry

Launched in August 2020, Simply Certification is aiming to be the certification body of choice for the construction industry.

Austin Gibbons, one of the founding members of Simply explains:

“Construction is the natural choice for Simply as our key sector. Our team have huge experience in the sector as assessors, consultants and other disciplines which brings a lot to the table for our clients.

We’ve launched this new certification body as we felt the market was in desperate need of a provider that didn’t overcomplicate certification and who provided an enjoyable customer experience. There are many certification bodies around that have become large institutions that are feared and that have lost the “customer comes first” approach.

Our approach is personable, reliable and friendly. We recognise that yearly ISO assessments are often dreaded due to organisations not having a good relationship with their provider. We have broken the mould on this and work in a collaborative manner. Our customers come first and we are there to help their business to flourish.

Assessments should be seen as an opportunity to take a step back and take a look at a business to find improvements. Not a horrendous experience trying to quickly hide faults from the auditor. It’s amazing how many clients our team have come across that have a really dim view of their certification body.”

Compliance is key in construction

Having an independently certified management system such as ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), ISO 45001 (health and safety)  and PAS 2030 (home energy efficiency installation) is quickly becoming a must for those in the construction sector to gain contract awards and access funding.

Austin explains:

“Having worked as a consultant and lead auditor in the industry I have seen huge growth in the need for organisations to demonstrate compliancy across a range of industry standards.

We have developed a suite of certifications that meets the needs of this industry in particular, including ISO 19650 (BIM) to enable our customers to use one certification body that meets all of their needs.

It’s an exciting time for us all at Simply and we very much look forward delivering the best service to our construction clients.”