Benefits to PAS 2035 and PAS 2038

The benefits to the adoption of PAS 2035 and PAS 2038 are vast for organisations that provide services around the enhancement of existing building stock.

Both standards cover the assessment and design of energy efficiency measures; PAS 2035 covers domestic buildings and PAS 2038 for commercial buildings. PAS 2030 is the installation aspect following on from PAS 2035 and PAS 2038.

The benefits of PAS 2035 and PAS 2038

#1 Sponsored by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) the standards are seen as key elements in the fight against climate change. Any contractor that provides services around enhancing existing building stock should demonstrate their understanding and implementation of the standards.

#2 Having in place standardised outcomes of design processes across the business ensures a smooth handover process for the installation of retrofit of energy efficiency measures.

#3 Having in place processes that meet the standards provide greater internal audit trail of the project management processes across the assessment and design aspect of retrofit; enabling continuous improvement of the effectiveness of installation of energy efficiency measures.

#4 Implementing PAS 2035 and PAS 2038 reduces risk of internal and supply chain retrofit defects, therefore saving cost, resource and time across each project.

#5 Implementing the standards will promote cross skilling and up-skilling of the supply chain, enhancing resilience and quality throughout.

#6 Having in place the standards will demonstrate leading the way for de-carbonisation within existing building stock providing a competitive edge.


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