ISO 45001 Certification
We deliver refreshing and customer focused approach to our certification services.
ISO 45001 is the mark of an organisation that is demonstrating their commitment to health and safety through their business.
We deliver refreshing and customer focused approach to our certification services.
ISO 45001 is the mark of an organisation that is demonstrating their commitment to health and safety through their business.
Gaining and maintaining ISO 45001 certification demonstrates high degrees of commitment to health and safety. Gaining certification shows that health and safety is driven through company culture via an independently audited management system that helps to drive risks down continuously.
Stakeholders such as employees, shareholders and suppliers will look more favourably towards a business that has ISO 45001 certification as it demonstrates consistent measurement and improvement of your organisation’s health and safety, meaning a safe and low risk as possible environment.
Having this certification also means that you may qualify for tenders. It is becoming more widely stipulated that organisations should have their management systems ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 certified by an independent certification body to pre-qualify for a contract.
ISO 45001 is the international standard for an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) and will fully replace OHSAS 18001 in 2021.
The standard covers a range of aspects that you need to demonstrate including:
General requirements of the OHSMS and context of the organisation
Demonstrating leadership and commitment to the OHSMS
Identification and planning to address risks and opportunities of the OHSMS
Communication, company wide adoption and training around the OHSMS
Operational response to reduction of risks and emergencies
Operational response to reduction of risks and emergencies
Increase health and safety awareness across the business will reduce risk
Increase in commercial opportunities due to pre-qualification for contracts and tenders
Increase positive brand perception demonstrating that your organisation cares
Significantly reducing risk will reduce threat of penalties for non compliance
Reduce sickness levels in the business and increase efficiencies
Having a certified OHSMS can save money on insurance premiums
We understand that this may be a little daunting for organisations to gain or transition onto this new standard. However you are in safe hands.
Simply Certification
Quay Corner Training Centre
Church Bank
Jarrow NE32 3HH
+44 (0)191 323 3960