Simply help to future proof businesses with ISO 22301

ISO 22301 Certification

Never has there been a time when the stark reality has hit us to how an outside force can impact a business so suddenly.

This last year has taught so many of us that we need to be much more proactive in terms of managing risks.

Whether you are a smaller business employing under 10 people or a large international organisation with thousands of staff – having a business continuity plan is vital. But you don’t need us to tell you that!

ISO 22301 the international mark of Business Continuity Management

The most recent version of the standard was released in 2019, and many organisations are moving quickly to embed processes and procedures to meet it to ensure their business is ready to respond to any disruption – resulting in reducing impact and risk.

Implementing a business continuity management system is the first step then moving onto having this certified is the next.

Getting certified to ISO 22301 makes your business more attractive

The obvious benefit is that you immediately enhance your brand to demonstrate your business has strong foundations that is prepared for disruption – increasing trust and confidence across your stakeholders such as employees and customers.

What are the steps to gain ISO 22301

First of all, read a little more about the standard here, then complete our instant quote application and one of our team will be in touch with a price and the next steps.